without texture on her pajamas...
with texture on her pajamas...
what you think le? ^^
From: sookchiung@toa.edu.my
Dear fellow Multimedians!
Cross out Friday 3rd of April 2009 from your calendar because we are all going on a KL Design Week Exhibition field trip to see a wide mix of creative and eclectic art exhibitions together!
Info of the field trip below: (Also available at E-PORTAL)
Title: KL Design Week Exhibition Field Trip
Date: Friday, 3rd April 2009
Time: 9am – 5pm
Transportation: Chartered Bus from TOA (student’s are not allowed to go or return on their own for safety reasons)
Fees: RM12 for bus fare. Please bring own pocket money for food and drinks (approximately RM10).
NOTE: Interested participants, kindly see me at TOA to register and make RM12.00 payment before Wednesday 25th March 2009.
Event Itinerary:
9am: Gather, mark attendance and depart from TOA
10am – 12pm: National Art Gallery
12pm – 1.30pm: Lunch at KLCC
2pm-4.30pm: CapSquare
4.30pm – 5pm: Back to TOA
Registration Yourself Here:
We need to meet up for registration & fees submission(RM12).
Date: Monday, 23rd March 2009
Time: 1.30pm
Venue: Video Lab (Opposite A1)
Questions and queries? Just email or buzz me or any other lecturers! Hope to see you guys there!
*PS: Eric please pass this email to ALL MM85 students as I don’t have all of your email address. Thank you.
Sook Chiung